The final round of the Yonkers Rotary Youth Speech Contest will be on Wednesday 27 April.  Three finalists will complete for the top prize.  They will be scored by 5 judges.  Mayor Spano is expected to be present at the 6:15 pm at The Fairways at Dunwoodie in Yonkers.
16 students participated across three days in the preliminary round. Each student’s speech was scored by three judges. All high school grades (9 through 12) were represented by those students.  The three finalists who will be speaking at the final round are all sophomores (Class of 2024) (in
alphabetical order):
• Brieanna Boateng, Riverside High School
• Diamond Krigger, Charter School of Educational Excellence High School
• Adrina Tiju, Yonkers Middle High School
To participate in this contest, students had to exercise several different skills. First, they had to use their critical thinking skills to formulate a response to the contest topic. Next, they had to use their research skills to find information about their contemplated response. Then, they had to use their writing skills in order to craft a speech that, they thought, would be effective. Fourth, they had to use their public speaking skills to practice how they would deliver their speech in a meaningful and impactful manner. Finally, of course, they had to use their self-confidence and self-esteem – no matter how much they practiced, it’s always very different practicing by oneself or with close friends and family than it is when delivering a speech to a live audience!