Club Installs New Officers, Announces Scholarships
The Club formally installed the new slate of Officers for 2017-18 at the Annual Dinner on Wednesday, 28 June 2017 at the Royal Regency Hotel in Yonkers. Dr. Alix Schnee was installed as President, Sundra Lee-Ingemanson as President-Elect. Barrbara Hanna continues as Treasurer and Peggy Murphy as Secretary. Harvey Bernstein is Sergeant-at-Arms. Joining the Board as Directors are Jeffrey Landsman and Bina Ahmad.
A highlight of the evening was the announcement of the 3 scholarship winners. Joseph Martinez, Jennifer Niola and Michael Cali won the $1,000 scholarships.

Outgoing President Mahbub Ahmad was presented with a citation from NYS State Assembly Member Shelley Mayer, and a plaque on behalf of the Club. The outgoing President highlighted the achievements of the Club during the past year and announced that the Club had qualified for the Rotary International Presidential Citation - a rare honor shared with only one other Club in the District. He also announced that the Club had earned the Rotary Foundation Banner, as every member had made a donation to the Foundation during the past year. A slide-show of the year's activities was shown.
Incoming President Alix Schnee thanked the outgoing President for his service and said she would strive to build on the achievements of the past year. She hoped to make the Club more representative of the community and remain engaged with the community.
This was the first time in a long time that the Annual Dinner was held at a Yonkers location.